

Monday, 30 December 2013

2013: stop, look & go

The major one: umrah! Plan umrah+istanbul failed but i got an opportunity to al-Haramain... Sungguh tak sangka di tengah-tengah penguatkuasaan mahram, boleh jugak pegi albeit different storyline... Well, it wasnt a major achievement untuk mereka yang dah banyak kali pergi tapi for me, it's a wonderful experience indeed.. Tolak tepi the spiritual side, Jeddah trip memang an awesome 'makan angin' trip... Killing 2 birds with one stone or maybe 3 birds (wasnt my fault the proposal came indirectly... Instead, i really go for spiritual purpose... & let's just simplify that 'seru belum menyeru pada masa itu... 2) bid farewell unexpectedly to the place of 5 years.... Still rasa macam mimpi since segalanya berlaku terlalu pantas & tomorrow, it's over & new adventure begin... Should everything went crazy, i still can adjust my sail since i'm pretty sure i cant adjust the wind... 3) oh, havent fulfilled the promise before umrah yet! Lucky my friend didnt 'cekik' me since it's almost a 2 year plan.. Err mate, 2014 resolution, perhaps?

Saturday, 28 December 2013

life - never static

Website JKNK had never been on my list until the transfer thing... So yes, it's confirmed... I dont know how to describe my feeling... 5 years of working, tipu la klu cakap xde kesan ape-ape... Macam tak sangka akan melangkah pergi dengan tiba-tiba... It rained heavily on 20th November when i walked to Wisma & gave the form by hand... Little did i know it marked the beginning of new life... Walaupun boleh dijangka, Takde sape yang tahu dengan pasti apa yang akan berlaku esok lusa sebab manusia hanya merancang, tapi yang menentukannya adalah Allah... & tak sangka pun hati akan condong ke arah klinik kesihatan - my friend's word "hati kita milik Allah. Hari ni boleh kata suka, esok lusa, boleh kata jemu" is true... it was a state of Allah membolak balikkan hati, really... i used to think that it's boring to dispense all the common medicines tapi that's the place that i'm heading soon... i love night shift/pm shift - luar waktu kerja, i could pay bills, i can 'buat ape yang patut' dengan a place that i call home @ kuarters, i have time to hang out with beloved friends.. Time kerja, my last night shift memang best... Adrenaline rush & never ending workloads & good PRPs- it was fun! Recalled almost all types of antivenom, which i took times to do literature review before submitting the KPK application, move backward & forward from in paient to out patient & one of PRP calling for rescue at wee hours of morning(lawak bila boleh terfikir untuk panggil rescue time night shift=) & so on... I doubted if i'll ever meet antivenom/ any injection yang canggih-canggih / TDM case pagi-pagi buta ( i like TDM jugak- when i was floating, calculation had always been my temporary stress reliever tapi sekarang, my knowledge are obsolete)... i like the NST round - it was a 'reality check' on patients' progression & the members- suka buat lawak... Galenical gave me the feeling of working at clinic since i can count the number of staffs & at the end of the year, i estimated the usage for the raw materials.. DIS had exposed me to many things - from management side ( i would never know what's a proforma actually is if i dont work at DIS, reten compilation, PRPs) and the daily job scope side... Answering questions are fun, sometimes (provided tak terlalu complicted sampai tak jumpa jawapan) & the 'rescue' thing gave me a break from staring at the computer continuously... I mean, DIS are versatile - paper & people-oriented work at the same time but i dont do the same routine everyday (minus KPK/cuti - most of the time kerja harian unpredictable depending on the situation - thus i learned how to prioritize & if possible, never delay work sebab time heavy workloads, banyak pulak tak settle... & DIS usually involve communication with almost every department , hence, walaupun just berada di satu tempat, it cover banyak benda actually... & the only reason i used to be bored time kerja kat OPD maybe because i'm the operator! Jadi pegawai yang screen prescription & almost all prescription yang perlu di query kna shoulder sorang/time PRP helpful, they help - muntah hijau jadi operator & at that time, budget baru je kna potong.. Thus, i got "you jual hospital la klu duit takde " bila confirm - that one memang diingat sampai hari ni....

Friday, 20 December 2013

Repeating script

Andai tertulis itu bukan rezeki, yang digenggam pun boleh terlepas... Andai takdir tak seindah mimpi, hanya pasrah menjadi tunjang... Namun, andai segalanya berubah sekelip mata, tiba masanya melangkah pergi... Bukan kerna mengalah, namun telah termaktub itu perancangan ilahi... Meski seribu rintangan melanda, Kun Fayakun memastikan segalanya mengikut aturanNya...

kerja jadi ibadah

"kita sebagai hamba Allah, menjaga tali kita dengan dia yang disembah. Yang diabdikan diri kepadaNya. Ia hablun minAllah.. Kita sebagai khalifah, menjaga tali dengan manusia ciptaanNya.Ia hablun minannas... Buat baik sesama manusia, boleh dengan sedekah, boleh dengan memimpin si buta di pinggir jalan. Namun, sedekah hanya sekali sekala, orang buta bukan setiap hari kita jumpa. Jalan kebaikan yang paling utama adalah menjadikan kerja sebagai ibadah. Memberi kebaikan pada manusia melalui kerja yang Allah kurniakan pada kita... JIKA KERJA JADI IBADAH,Allah adalah 'CEO' kita.. The unsung hero beroleh quwwah untuk terus membuat kebaikan, biar sekecil mana pun di mata insan... Jika kerja jadi ibadah, ia jalan taqarrub kepada Allah. Tidak tergamak menghambur dosa, kerja dibuat sebaik yang upaya... Jika kerja jadi ibadah, biar sempit jalan keperluan, asalkan luas perjalanan mencapai tujuan...

Monday, 16 December 2013

writing my own 'novel'

I dont know why, of all thing right now, i really love the 'doa istikharah'.. Cliche - it's common but sometimes a cliche phrase is meaningful... 1) love Memohon petunjukMu dengan ilmuMu dan memohon ketentuan daripadaMu dengan kekuasaanMu - Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Berkuasa sedangkan aku tidak berkuasa & sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui sedang aku tidak mengetahui dan Engkaulah yang mengetahui segala yang ghaib 2) seandainya urusan ini baik bagiku, pada agamaku, kehidupanku dan kesudahan urusanku samada cepat atau lambat,takdirkanlah ia bagiku & permudahkanlah serta berkatlah bagiku padanya... So yes, before the game is over, life goes on macam biasa... Andai tertulis itu bukan rezeki, yang digenggam pun boleh terlepas... Andai memang takdir tidak seindah mimpi, hanya pasrah menjadi tunjang untuk terus menongkah arus agar tidak hanyut tika badai yang menghempas terlalu kuat... namun, andai sekelip mata segalanya berubah, tiba masanya untuk melangkah pergi... Bukan kerna mengalah, namun sudah termaktub itu perancangan ilahi... meski seribu halangan melanda, Kun Fayakun memungkinkan segalanya berjalan mengikut aturanNya...

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

test, struggle & trial

From al Ankabut:2 - "Patutkah manusia menyangka bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan dengan hanya berkata 'kami beriman', sedang mereka tidak diuji?"... Sepertimana Fahri dalam ayat-ayat cinta, seorang lelaki soleh yang difitnah zina, tiada jaminan bahawa dengan menjadi lelaki soleh, dia tidak akan diuji... kerana sebagai hamba Allah, kita sentiasa layak diuji... Rasa memiliki itu perlu dihancurkan dan dijadikan wacana untuk menyedarkan bahawa hati harus mengikhlaskan kehambaan kepadaNya..kerana segalanya milik Allah... dan segala nikmat itu boleh ditarik bila-bila masa...

Saturday, 7 December 2013

hot topic=)

Had lunch @ my grandparent's house (with or without special menu, i still love my grandparent very much)... & as usual, with few family members & relatives in the process of getting married soon, the favourite topic was always up & always rebound back to me (perhaps the only one yang stay single amongst my relative dalam range umur 24-30)... Having face the so-called 'arranged meeting/marriage' (which i always escape -& err x fikir panjang terus tak nak) banyak kali sangat with different person sampai fed up(i'm thankful having relative that concern, but i'm going to share my opinion here... Since i know my knowledge is limited, i welcome experts to to correct me if i'm wrong)... 1) jodoh terbahagi kepada dua, iaitu sunnatullah(atas usaha sendiri) atau kudratullah(special gift from Allah to his loyal servant- datang sendiri tapi bagi yang betul-betul bertuah sahaja)... 2) cara: either ikut pilihan orang baik atau menjadi orang baik 3) jodoh, from my view of point, lebih kepada ketentuan tuhan/ takdir yang telah tertulis di Luh Mahfuz... klu memang bukan jodoh, datangla calon perfect mana pun, hati takkan terbuka untuk terima... Again, jika calon tu dah baik, mungkin Allah takdirkan hamba Allah baik yang lain sebagai jodoh... Hari-hari jumpa pun, bila bukan jodoh, xkan bersatu jugak... Katalah, ade banyak choice, klu bukan jodoh, hati tKkan terpaut pun / jika terpaut, tak ke mana@going nowhere jugak... Ilmu manusia yang terbatas takkan dapat mengatasi ilmu Allah yang luas... Sesuatu yang kelihatan indah itu mungkin tak baik bagi seseorang (remember, boleh jadi kamu benci sesuatu padahal ia baik bagimu & sebaliknya)... Tapi, klu memang jodoh, insyaallah dipermudahkan... Yang tak kenal langsung pun boleh rasa a stranger yang memang jodoh dia tu boleh menjadi pelindung... Konsep yang sama jugak untuk masa berkahwin... Klu dah sampai masa, xde sape boleh menghalang... family xsetuju ke/whatever rintangan & halangan, akhirnya tetap bersatu...Klu bukan, buatla macam mane pun, xkan terjadi jugak 4) hati kita milik Allah... Mudah untuk Allah membolak-balikkan hati... the best way, mintak allah tetapkan hati jika itu yang terbaik.. & pertemuan tu pun di tangan Allah... 5) hook up to Allah, Allah will hook you up.. Let's check the relationship with the Almighty, yang maha pemurah & pemberi rezeki... If, let's say, at the end, memang jodoh tak kunjung tiba,, then tak rugi ape-ape sebab Allah knows what's the best untuk setiap hambaNya.... 6) tak perlu menghina mereka yang masih belum berkahwin walaupun umur semakin meningkat... Rezeki setiap orang tak sama... Takde rezeki dalam bentuk jodoh, maybe rezeki datang dalam bentuk kawan yang baik(without responsibilities))... Lagipun, bahagia comes from within... Bukan pada faktor luaran... Duit banyak, husband perfect, jika hati tak bersyukur / qanaah dengan apa yang ada, tak bahagia jugak... Every high end tu selalunya akan membawa kepada keinginan lain yang lebih hebat.. Jika sumber bahagia bergantung pada pencapaian, sekiranya pencapaian tu hilang, for sure takkan bahagia... lagipun, apa yang menjadi milik kita aadalah pinjaman dari Allah... Jika Allah nak tarik balik nikmat tersebut, sekelip mata boleh hilang segala-galanya..

Thursday, 5 December 2013

flood: natural disaster

Banjir: mungkin fenomena alam yang biasa bagi yang tak terjejas... But i do know the implication to those yang badly affected.... Even yang paling ringan pun dah rasa susah(stranded xleh balik rumah)/ bagi sesetengah kawasan yang dikelilingi area banjir, xleh keluar ke mana-mana hatta untuk membeli makanan/ maybe just rely on egg/anchovies untuk makan), apelagi yang memang hidup dalam ketakutan paras air tiba-tiba naik sampai tenggelam pusat pemindahan/rumah, bekalan makanan yang scarce, perhaps no electric/insufficient water/electric supply, what's more with babies & anak kecik2 atau family members yang bedridden, xde pakaian untuk tukar, stranded dengan condition rumah yang xleh nak agak setakat mana teruknya & possibility of barang-barang berharga rosak/hilang/dihanyutkan air (lagi teruk klu memang dah susah, harta sedia ada dah xde, sumber kewangan yang terhad untuk teruskan hidup & of course, unexpected rising price of daily necessities lebih menambahkan beban)... I'm not being insensitive when i posted my childhood memories, it's just that tiny details are priceless bila besar... & i understand, with deep empathy & sympathy the mental & physical torture of flood victim... Hence, I welcome any fundraising events/ideas to help them...

banjir: childhood memories

Banjir: sedikit membawa rahmat... Berlebihan membawa bencana... I may sound weird, but i miss my childhood memories time banjir... Back then, setiap kali banjir, sungai berdekatan melinpah sampai jalan raya... & villagers ambik kesempatan memukat/menjala/memancing ikan 'darat' - ikan sebelah nabi, ikan sepat, ikan puyu & banyak lagi ikan bermusim... & hanya musim banjir saja berpeluang merasa ikan 'darat' tersebut...sesetengah just datang untuk 'main' air- rasa deruan air banjir di atas jalan(x dalam sangat melainkan terjun ke dalam sawah/sungai berdekatan=).. A happy childhood memories with my younger brother & sisters! but then, bila besar sikit, sungai diperluaskan dan tiada lagi banjir besar... & jarang berpeluang merasa ikan 'darat' lagi... seandainya masa dapat diputarkan kembali, i would love to 'feel the good moment' again...

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

tribute : i love you lillah!

no word could explain how grateful i am to have friend that could turn into a heroin whenever i was in the-damsel-in-distress mode... & transform into the faithful companion when i choose something(certainly habis tawaf area KB or shopping complex bila mood 'tak nak yang ni, yang tu pun tak nak, the other one pun tak nak" menjelma... & acting as the most caring 'kekasih' untuk layan idea mengade nak cari tempat makan lain dari yang lain... Or sometimes jadi buddy pegi jauh-jauh semata-mata nak cari ice cream Baba @ Rantau Panjang / chocolate @ Pengkalan Kubur .. Or the one yang bagi shelter bila rumah terkunci/ takut bila something scary happened... I dont need thousand friends, i just need a friend that was always there for me... Thank you for being my perfume! (perumpamaan berkawan dengan penjual minyak wangi= turut wangi jugak & vice versa)...

Monday, 2 December 2013

being emotional, i guess The applicable one: 1) ilmu manusia yang terbatas tidak dapat menjangkau ilmu Alah yang maha luas... Quite hard to turn that 50:50 to 100:0 since i had lots to be bonding moment & time to be an adult (oh, hard to let go that enjoy-x-ingat-dunia part... Friendship for few years /more than a decade takkan same dengan new friendship... I know the door was always open for me anytime untuk datang just for leisure(provided tak balik kampung) but it wouldnt be the same... & drastically change lifestyle - from just walking, budget ngam2 dekat2 time masuk keje to drive - although boleh kira berapa traffic light/just ikut jalan kampung je, still a major change for me... & lepaskan a place that i call home & take hampir setahun pilih what i want & conquer it alone & sometimes my buddy jadi maid tak bergaji, which i never asked/expect pun... & switch from paper-oriented work to people-oriented work, oh memang major change... plus xde occupational therapist/ENT junior/X-ray friend/A&E's -bolehla-cari-bila-betul-betul-perlu/dietitian/ that friendly female HOD yang slalu jadi teman borak time lintas jalan nak pegi keje/many familiar faces yang memang xkan jumpa dah... Coupled with the timeframe yang agak singkat dari tempoh apply to supposed-to-be-there date, drastic sangat till i'm in 'septic shock' state(memangla dah agak tapi still, untuk ubah routine few years secara mengejut bila a month ago xterfikir langsung akan buat begini, agak payah)... Or better call it as SIRS / Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome... & i havent found any remedy yet except learning to let go everything slowly, so that when the time really come, my mental, at very least favour 51%:49%.... I dont know for sure , but that 50:50 keep me sane in case there's sudden U -turn & let's say, my lifestyle takkan berubah...

birthday: new perspective I do know that some people 'berpuasa' during their birthday... But certainly not me... in fact, a day when i turned another 1 year younger oppps, older had been an exclusive day with loved one... Or maybe with special friends...i really hate to work during my birthday, maybe because it was school holidays back then, when i was young... that once a year occassion always be an exclusive date for me.. Moreover, one of my 'kamceng' is just few days older,.. Hence, we always spend our times together - consider it as U & Me moment - for our birthday! However, this article gave me different perspective... After all, i cannot 'perasan muda' forever...

Friday, 29 November 2013

Choice, chance & change!

Making a choice to take a chance or life will never change - that's the right word! & a chance takkan datang banyak kali - sekali terhidang, grab it!

Friday, 22 November 2013

erti bahagia

Again, since i have hope, i can think more rationally... I can move forward without travelled backward... Life- memang kna travel forward & 'jangan pandang belakang' =) Erti bahagia for me: Number 1 : mencintai Allah... Ketenangan dan kebahagiaan hakiki bukan hanya ketika dikasihi manusia ... Dicintai itu memang suatu rezeki dan anugerah ilahi tetapi jika tiada, tidak semestinya jalan untuk bahagia tertutup... Number 2: it comes from within... Bukan pada faktor luaran.. Syukuri what i have, reciprocating the love that i receive... Membahagiakan mereka yang bernilai juga menjadi salah satu sumber bahagia... True, erti hidup pada memberi(tambah: pada yang really worth it) number 3: keep calm & stay positive biar ape pun yang terjadi... Quite hard tapi tidak mustahil...i'm trying & still mencuba to equip myself with related knowledge... Hoping that all is well... & if the result is positive, hoping for a brand new me at new place... If i failed, hidup saje macam biasa... Nothing to lose! Especially after i realized i have more reasons to be grateful than feeling down...

Thursday, 21 November 2013

friday ramble

Living in uncertainties, i ponder over my life(past few years)... never thought that i actually had lots to be grateful... Even the smallest & simple thing that i always take for granted -yang memang biasa pun dirasakan besar nilainya...Sayang, tapi perancangan Allah itu lebih indah... If i failed, at least the number one lesson that i learn is gratitude... If i succeed, then it's time to move on... Perhaps something greater & brighter awaiting me... New adventure, new challenge & i'm back to square one, start from zero... It may seems boring, but who says it has nothing to offer? My favourite word will be " Boleh jadi kamu benci sesuatu padahal ia baik bagimu... & boleh jadi kamu suka sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagimu"... Maybe yang kelihatan indah itu buruk for me - after all, rahsia yang ghaib & tersembunyi itu di tangan Allah.. Perhaps, moving on itu menyelamatkan dari musibah yang tidak kelihatan? all in all, the result: less than a month or maybe shorter than that & i should prepare mentally & physically for any outcome... Since it's just a short period of time & i think, the rumour spread very fast , tak kisahla if everybody know... My own statement lagi reliable...

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

of heart, again!

Just come across an article - mudah untuk Allah membolak balikkan hati... Sebab walaupun hati tu dalam jasad kita, hati tetap milik Allah... Jika sesuatu tu memang dah ditakdirkan, takde yang boleh menghalang.. the same happened to me... Never thought buat decision tiba-tiba & semuanya macam dipermudahkan... Memang tak terfikir langsung untuk ubah lifestyle... Not even once... I'm amazed jugak why it's so sudden... Sungguh, tak terjangkau dek akal untuk buat beginii.. Tinggal yes or no... Tawakal saje, i leave it to Allah & i'm sure He will give me the best.. Pasrah... agaknye marriage pun camtu - sudden sampai tuan punye xsempat fikir panjang... i remember very well my ex-housemate said, her decision memang solely based on istikharah... Macam baru semalam borak tentang our status, pastu tiba-tiba dia hantar kad...

Monday, 18 November 2013


Damainya ku rasa # melihat warnanya # tenangnya di mindaku # suasana kehijauan yang indah# harapan kadangkala mencampakkan kedamaian yang tidak terhingga... & membuatkan kita lebih menghargai... Biarpun ianya sekadar harapan, terasa bagaikan seluruh jiwa dihanyutkan dalam fatamorgana yang tak bertepi... Terasa segalanya kini lebih indah... Namun, antara takdir dan Kun Fayakun, qada dan qadar itu lebih mendominasi... Bukan mudah untuk pasrah dan reda, namun satu perkara yang pasti : perancangan tuhan itu lebih indah... Walau apa pun yang terjadi, hanya Dia yang lebih tahu hikmah di sebaliknya...

Friday, 15 November 2013

oh, just a random musing!

There's one thing that the whole universe know: thing was always greener on the other side... Yes, i mean it... we often compare our life with the lucky one, till we forgot that we actually have our own precious pearls... It was easy to fall in the trap of greed - keep wanting more & more abundance in life... There's nothing wrong with that, except when greed exceeding qanaah(rasa cukup), a blissful life only exist in our dream, not in reality! Wish, or sometimes lust, are infinite! Often, we tend to downgrade the value of health, knowledge, family, true friends (& the list goes on), till we only care the value of being extremely rich & anything yang boleh membuatkan mata terjojol keluar dek kekaguman (maybe envy millionaire yg boleh bagi Mini Cooper sebagai hadiah 5A UPSR/ jealous kat sape-sape yang boleh pusing the globe, ronda setiap pelusuk dan ceruk negeri/negara & so on).... The beauty of life, i think, lies in the 'iman'/faith that our rizq/rezeki datangnya dari tuhan, bukan di tangan manusia... irregardless of the status, hanya tuhan yang berkuasa menentukan rezeki hambaNya... If it's good, syukurlah... If not, sabar sajalah... ujian tidaklah kekal selama-lamanya... Bersama kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan, hanya a matter of time bila hikmah di sebalik segala ujian itu tersingkap...

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Friday & al-Kahfi : inseparable... When you prefer a 'santai' way to 'tadabbur/menghayati maksud' al Kahfi, the online translation helps! (again, cant figure out why xleh link when i use phone... or maybe, a phone illiterate like me memang hopeless when it comes to link)

Saturday, 9 November 2013

another bonding moment

Being me, i love to spend times with beloved one rather than 'terkurung keseorangan dalam dunia sendiri'... So, when A tengah enjoy her vacation in KL, i had another bonding moment with W... Just like our previous bonding session, few hangout places menjadi mangsa.... we met before my umrah trip & now, she's happily married with a tiny little creature to boot! & only now i got to give her wedding present(out of date sungguh!)... Out of blue, i suggest another new place with conducive environment & to my surprise, dia pulak belanja!! Double joy - dah lame nak rasa food kat sini sebab boleh tahan glamour & alih2, makan free! Oh, it wasnt makan free that matters, it's the bonding session that matters! Sekejap saje masa berlalu & banyak yang telah berubah - she's enjoying her transition phase & i'm happy for her....... her love story pun lebih kurang script that great doctor in my family - cinta lepas kawen & still madly in love sampai sekarang except, she's still in her honeymoon period but my role model- memang sangat bahagia walaupun dah bertahun kawen.... Guess my close friends ramai yg style camni... & talking about her pregnancy, i remember my friend who named her baby sebijik macam Imam Masjidil Haram, Sheikh Maher al Muaiqly... betapa behavenye her baby when both of us visited him few years ago- agaknye berkat bacaan quran her mother time pregnant... O yeah, if my friends tengah happy, what about me? Let's just say, rezeki setiap orang itu berbeza... Mine was in form of enjoy x ingat dunia/travelling here & there (xla banyak, tapi boleh pegi Mekah dengan duit sendiri tu consider ok for me).... takdir yang tertulis itu memang dah baik untuk setiap hambaNya, so, why worry? Leave it to Allah & He will create the best story ever!

Friday, 8 November 2013


I thought the 'episod bahagia' was over... Starved myself to death today (ok, over! bread was my energy booster this morning)... & no special plan/mission in the evening- just a date with my close friend(dating yang tak haram- i still believe in this article - (try to link it but failed)... )... Unexpectedly, we encounter my dream dining place! I'm bored dining within the stadium & kota bharu territory, i want a place with calm environment, a bit exclusive than the typical restaurant but certainly not hotel or any place that i went before... We gamble - just enter that place without considering the price or anything else... Lucky, it's still in affordable range & doesnt cost a bomb! Betul-betul bahagia impian menjadi nyata( the islamic version should be MasyaAllah, tabarakallah)... Guess my rizq was in form of this - i may not having thousand of friends, nor do the soulmate nor do i own a castle or being the millionire's daughter/ wife (hehe) but the friends that i have - they are true friends & it range from the mosque gang to enjoy-tak-ingat-dunia-gang or both (enjoy enjoy jugak tapi still, hati diorang baik!)... To conclude, it's really a blast! Tq very much, mate! XOXO!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

down memory lane

Initially i was frustrated - all the 'penyambung hayat' x available... To the point of really down(memang frust giler)..... Even thinking of driving at 6 something tomorrow morning semata-mata memenuhi 'nak -tak-nak-kna-buat-jugak'.... sehinggalah a phone call save my day! What a relief! Means i can ditch the forever alone title & get some 'fresh air'... & unexpectedly reminisce betapa-lamenya-rela-bertilamkan-lantai-sebab-takde-yang-berkenan-di-hati (hyperbola- toto ade!)... & kenang balik memang grateful study at my ex Mara Junior Science College... instill islamic values pada students - ingat lagi how senior (guy) pandang slack those yang xpakai stokin/sarung kaki time pegi dewan makan&prep... & fesyen tudung yang stereotype(of course xde selempang/pin kiri kanan, fesyen straight je... ) & how senior aim sape yang couple... & how 'Minggu aktiviti' dipenuhi dengan lagu-lagu nasyid sampai hafal lirik lukisan alam sehingga hari ini...& how i learn praktikal haji start dari niat sampai la melontar dll..)... Combining the experience from SMKA & MJSC shape me the way i am today... Guess school mempengaruhi lifestyle jugak - I learn Maathurat when i was in Form 1 & i learn value when i was in Form 4...

Saturday, 2 November 2013

screaming virtually

Blog - ways to express your thought & for some people, ways to be the next Shakespeare (oh oh, certainly not me - the one that wrote out of boring or anger(emotional outburst=) or whatever that come across my mind) perhaps, i'm screaming virtually just to announce that everybody do have their own life... their own circle of friends... The people that they were really grateful to share certain chapters together / the meaningful one... Or maybe to share some ordinary knowledge despite the person herself isnt perfect... Sharing is caring, right?

Friday, 25 October 2013

kinda out of topic=)

A host of a programme ask few kids - sebutkan Rukun Islam... The kids dont know... Then, the host allowed to ask his mother .. The mother also dont know... Until the host give clue... & the next kids dont know, too... Malu giler rasanya... This happened in 'majlis ilmu' in Kelantan... I dont blame the kids My youngest sister pun budak kecik yang tak reti jawab jugak - i ask her masa tengah tunggu jawapan=) Tapi at least the mother should know... Tapi kesudian mother attend majlis sebegitu pun dah ok rasanya.... Just, i think this is something worth to share... I mean, i'm stnot married yet & i never thought about parenting=) i see my friends with kids, but i tak pernah fikir banyak pasal parenting... Made me thinking, parenting isnt just about giving food & 'love' to children... It involve 'spiritual' food as well... & the mother/mother-to-be should be prepared for that, long before get married... Guess that's why Prof Muhaya always mention "bahagiakan diri sebelum berkahwin kerana perkahwinan adalah medan memberi bahagia, bukan mencari bahagia"...

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

no idea

Haish... The frequency of being damsel in distress increasing lately... This time, no heroin available to rescue since this wasnt a woman's stuff...... Panic button pressed... Despite waiting calmly here, I cant pretend to be calm....

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Monday, 21 October 2013


Sometimes, outing, can be considered as therapy... Rather than letting mind wandering & err, feeling _______, it's better to 'see' the world! Although unplanned, i create my own record keluar non stop... Tambah drama sesat jalan sampai masuk kampung-mane-entah (err,my friend selalu drive - selalu jadi penumpang je, so when i was with someone yg susah nak ingat jalan, sesat jalan is unavoidable... end up lepak just few 'second' at a park sebab dah masuk waktu maghrib & then , continue dengan next plan.... Things tak smooth as expected, so we headed home.... Since my partner-in-crime lapar, we stop untuk makan kat tempat yang dia familiar.. Punyela lame tunggu sampai fed up, she cancel the order & we went to another place... Food yg dia nak makan xde, so we leave & went to the next station... Sadisnye kerusi dah kat atas meja(translated: CLOSED!), so terpaksa pegi tempat lain.... X jangka sampai 4 tempat singgah semata-mata untuk mengalas perut dia... & what i want to highlight is: hidup pun begitu jugak.. things dont go as planned, punyela usaha tapi akhirnye dapat benda lain..... when god say NO, takde sape yang boleh halang... Sama jugak, bila ditakdirkan sesuatu tu menjadi milik kita, sehebat mane pun usaha untuk mengelak, tetap tidak berjaya...

Saturday, 19 October 2013

a fragment of life...

Too busy 'tumbangkan seekor lembu' during aidiladha till i forgot to highlight my hobby! It aint a secret that i love to travel... Although in simple layman term, the purpose of travel is to enjoy & taste the experience to its utmost,travelling, for me was more than that.. I dont deny that my aim varies, from a plain escapism trip (just to escape when i nearly suffocated & drowned in a toxic atmosphere - [once upon a time]) to just untuk enjoy life, herein lies another secret( bukanla rahsia sangat pun )... Call me ridiculous, but often, travel had been a way to whirl & turn me upside down with the abundance of 'nikmat yang tuhan kurniakan')... Translated, it gave me different perspective for things that i had taken for granted... Or to simplify it further, mengambil 'ibrah'(pengajaran) - tentang how smooth my life was.. at least balik je i realize my life tak la teruk sangat pun... Banyak lagi rezeki yang patut disyukuri... & usually, memang termaktub setiap orang mempunyai rezeki masing-masing - mane yg bertuah should be grateful... if not, tak bermakna somebody yang you rasa tak bertuah tu boleh dipandang hina... tentang rezeki- sesungguhnya cabang rezeki itu teramat luas... & err, maybe you think it's a laughing matter, but dont you think travel sebenarnya cara menghayati keindahan alam ciptaan ilahi & mengkaji/berfikir kebesaran ilahi? True, i may not qualified to quote hadis-hadis/ayat-ayat quran berkaitan, but dont you think, by looking at a different scenario/view, there was always something yang menunjukkan kebesaran ilahi? & lastly, visiting friend/relative - bukankah digalakkan menjalinkan silaturrahim? Ukhwah fillah, tak semestinya persahabatan kerana Allah itu terhenti jika berjauhan... What's more to someone like me yg suka reciprocating tender love & care pada sape yang treat me dengan baik & kind of malas layan jika dilayan buruk (just a general statemnt - i'm a human after all, i am not perfect & havent reach the phase untuk berbuat baik pada somebody yg treat me like a trash/ the hypocrite person yg buat baik depan orang je, tapi buat jahat dam diam)... What i want to say here is, nothing wrong with travelling here & there, as long as it's within our budget & means... Some prefer to save money, i respect that... But for me, what's the point of having enormous amount of money if hati selalu tak tenang? Recharge 'iman' by travelling, tak salah, kan?

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Aidiladha this year teach me to be grateful with what i have... First, i'm healthy plus enjoyable moment with my bff! I dont expect dibawak ke tempat yang best-best sebab dah banyak kali pegi sane tapi everytime pegi, ade je tempat baru yg di-explore.. food & drinks pun best best... & plg x sangka pegi dinner kat puncak 'dunia' overlooking pool & suasana/deco tempat tu superb! Talking about health, bila tak sihat, sume nikmat hidup lain mesti rasa agak tak bermakna... 2nd, i still have family! & tak perlu jaga somebody yang sakit & terpenjara kat rumah tanpa boleh buat ape-ape aktiviti... Seriously, i cant imagine hidup dengan tak cukup tidur, penat layan karenah orang sakit, tak boleh keluar pegi mane-mane, xde relative/siblings yang same-same tanggung beban - dont think that i'm that strong to face dugaan seberat itu... I mean, i boleh hidup dalam boring, tapi untuk tanggung beban seberat itu, serius, angkat bendera putih awal-awal... & the conclusion is, hidup ini tak lebih dari roti, air & bayangan... Maka tak perlulah bersedih jika semua itu ada (ulang favourite quote from La Tahzan)

Monday, 14 October 2013

a quick update

Now i understand why big cities never fit me... Mau bankrap asyik jalan-jalan je everyday... & accidentally 'terrserempak' dengan big sales, memang mencabar keimanan untuk control shopping lust... Overall,it's a great trip to 'revive' my life... ever since terpisah dengan one of geng kamceng, life had been quite dull & boring... No man is an island, right? If A is busy, then B is available... If A, B are not available, then C is there... But when A, B, & C busy dgn life masing-masing, err, life jadi boring... As much as i tried my best to find a meaningful hobby, sometimes there's void in my heart=) just macam sape yg biasa couple tiba-tiba clash, it's the exact feeling when i 'lost' my friend... but no,dating wont be my option(& i hope it remains so).. Entahla, rather than just untuk escape from the big TAK LAKU tag, i prefer to be expensive... for sometimes fate is unpredictable... In one split second, hidup boleh berubah... & just like the unexpected 'turbulent journey', who knows there's another one yg betul-betul boleh melt my heart? Like i said before, i had nothing to lose dengan remains single... What others think isnt my problem because it's just me yang akan lalui hidup ini. - it's me yang script my own life.. & then, banyak lagi cabang rezeki lain selain soulmate...

Monday, 23 September 2013

#random #bored

The value of true friend = indescribeable.... it takes just a splash to instantly paint the canvas grey... chemistry glued us together, forming a strong bond but fate do us apart... Feeling like half of the soul was taken away... True, man can only propose but god dispose... nothing is everlasting... Pinjaman tuhan yang perlu disyukuri bila diperolehi tapi perlu menggali hikmah tersirat di sebalik 'perpisahan' yang terjadi...

Friday, 20 September 2013


Too much happened in short span of life... stagnant? No, the process is dynamic.. Change is inevitable...every day is a new day, full of promises... For the past is just a past, the good memories should be preserved & the bad one- why Cry over the spilt milk? Life isn't a reality show to show off... However, i must say, life is colourful when i was surrounded by wonderful people.. When the situation change, the rhythm must be adjusted...

Sunday, 15 September 2013


Life was a bit chaos... Abrupt change of plan... Travelling here & there.. Exhausted & i swear, i just want to rest.. A great weekend, though... Obsession : ice cream/gelatos (why why Kelantan takde outlet selling gelato???), books ( imported my own copy of a book @ my favourite bookstore/my favourite hangout place during the good old days ) & home deco (funny i bought the Sarawak-made items somewhere else & not during my trip to Sarawak)...

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

just another day

1) I was in hurry for a mission when suddenly i noticed that i left my keys in the room.. too bad, i never duplicate the keys! Lucky a saviour come to my rescue ! Although she didnt own my room's key, at least, the way she helped me means a lot... She gave me shelter, purposedly leaving her room open(tak kunci although she went out), just in case i need to pray (using her 'kain sembahyang of course!) / need anything else - semuanya tanpa perlu mintak tolong! Strong six sense - boleh agak what a damsel in distress (yang memang distressed) need! Cant imagine if she's ignorant - surely kna merempat entah kat mane malam-malam buta camtu & agak kalut since i was in hurry! It's just a simple gesture (dunno the right word), tapi ianya menyelamatkan saya dari hari yang malang! I know, first & foremost, i have to thanks The Almighty yang menggerakkan hatinya to do that, but credit must go to her too! I'm really grateful to have such wonderful friend - maybe the only friends that i need are friends yang boleh susah senang bersama & bukannya berkawan ketika mempunyai kepentingan sahaja -someone yang really worth to call FRIEND... 2) Finally i have my own Pemanggang Ajaib Vantage! Again, i was lured by a friend plus the attractive price - irresistible since it simplify cooking =) (minus cooking oil, save time& baaaaaanyak lagi advantages)! 3) Made a simple finger food tapi end up my guest memang x makan certain food! Hmm, being a bad host especially after a night shift & kepala still rasa x berapa betul since the meeting earlier habis tengah hari & A&E patients semalam paling ramai dalam sejarah my night shift! Bertali arus & datang ramai-ramai serentak

Monday, 2 September 2013

"Syukur, alhamdulillah..."

Recently, daging, ayam & seafood naik harga... Then, rate untuk korban sempena Hari Raya Korban pun naik.. & now, rate minyak menjadi korban ... It's just 20 cents, but counting km that one need to travel ie from KB to Rantau Panjang/Pengkalan Kubur for few cups of Baba's ice cream or KB to KT for 'keropok Lekor', that 20 cent can multiply into infinity.. Even sharing a car isnt worth it! Not to mention those with 'cukup-cukup makan' salary... Sending their kids to school, buy groceries, going to work - how can they skip these essential part of their responsibilities?perhaps cycling can save their penny but the question arise, is it practical to cycle , let's say 10km ('short distance,huh?)... Plus the consuming energy part, sure they will be mentally & physically exhausted after one task!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

a 'kampung' folk through and through

It had been a tradition from generation to generation to hold ' majlis bukak puasa' @ the 'surau' near my house.... i was lucky this year - they hold it today & i arrive 'ngam2' untuk tolong sikit-siki ( jejak rasul tak sempat tengoktahun ni fanatik dgn jejak rasul sebab pengisian dia Ramadan di 3 tanah suci - nostalgic bila tgk Masjidilharam & Masjid Nabawi)...being a 'kampung' girl, i prefer this type of majlis bukak puasa rather than going to restaurant/hotel(Renaissance Hotel, for instance) ... bergelak ketawa sakan while getting the food ready( sampai lewat, tolong serve je lah & lastly, tolong makan=) riuh satu surau masa tengah get the food ready... No picture sebab xde umur lebih kurang yg pegi surau bwk henset... Dimonopoli oleh warga emas je walaupun dekat 100 orang yg datang... menu? Typical food ie ayam percik, sup tulang, solok lada & many more tapi i think better kot dari food restaurant/hotel berbintang-bintang tapi taste lebih kurang je plus expensive ( again, i'm budak kampung - time puasa i would go for traditional food or any other food yang memang familiar.... Sebab daging, ayam & udang naik harga, memang tak berbaloi untuk masak kat kuarters & makan sorang-sorang... Share? Malas naik tingkat atas untuk same2 bukak puasa/sahur... Lagipun, siap bukak puasa sempat jugak baca quran sepotong dua ayat before heading to surau untuk terawih.. I was puzzled actually bila ramai kata sedih bukak puasa sorang-sorang...i mean, bila ramai, borak panjang pulak(my habit bila jumpa geng), lepas tu abaikan quran terus...)...this kind of majlis je boleh jumpa makanan-makanan melayu yg biasa & bukan makanan bazar ramadan... Paling penting, time camni je boleh jumpa sape2 yg dah lama tak jumpa...ukhwah fillah....

Sunday, 28 July 2013

rambling nonsense, again...

28 July - Ramadan is leaving too fast... Except the major hurricane causing a turbulent journey, my life was fine & dandy... hoping it's 100% over & they let me go .. At least, i can have a peaceful life... Biarpun tak best di mata orang,who cares? I'm strong enough to take the road less travelled by... Transforming a fragile heart into a solid rock takes time , but when it's my own choice, i'm sure that i wont regret later on...

Friday, 12 July 2013

Touch of faith

a reminder for me & whoever interested... touch of  faith @tv9/6.30pm Thursday&Friday- an international 'kuliyyah agama' series that's worth to watch...the speaker said (translated according to my own depth of understanding) - mencintai Allah adalah segala-galanya.. hubungan antara kita dgn manusia lain bergantung pada hubungan kita dengan Allah samada  kita sedar atau tidak...yang mencampakkan rasa kasih & sayang itu adalah Allah... sekiranya kita mencintai Allah, insyaallah everything will be fine... if there's something wrong, kembalilah pada Allah, pemilik segalanya...

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Marhaban ya Ramadan

today marked the beginning of 'ibadah' fiesta, so did the hunting for the special night - that one night  , which is better than 1000 month (or better known as 'lailatul qadar')... during the gap between maghrib & isyak,  i noticed the auntie @ my right brought along a book (tulisan Jawi) , reciting something  before showing me one of the page from the 'Fadilat Rejab, Syaaban & Ramadan' book..overall, that book encourage  us to be grateful for being able to 'embrace' Ramadan again... & also ,told us to  'bertasbih, bartahmid & bertakbir' @ berzikir, bersedekah, membaca al quran/khatam quran at least sekali dll... what i want to say is,  ibadat tak pernah out of date... sape sangka buku jawi yang agak lame tu still relevan dgn  zaman sekarang...&also, i noticed, an auntie bring along her tasbih... that gave me idea to bring along  tasbih to the mosque, use it on prn basis... bukanla berat sangat pun&at least, it remind me about the Raudah lesson/the memorable al-Haramain experience...after all, it wasnt weird to bring a tasbih o the mosque=)

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Mecca & Medina : A Review

what i like most: 
- when it's time to pray, people from all walk of life hurried to pray... including the Saudi Binladin workers involved in the construction/renovation of Masjidil Haram... they dont disturb the public, instead, they form their own group outside the mosque or at the end of the saie area(level 1)

- i meet lots of nice & kind people - auntie (s) from Malaysia, India, Indonesia & Arab women ( they were generous but those people in my previous post, they were special because they did it exclusively for me... i mean, it's common for Arab women to distribute dates/sweets/ anything else, but if it's just for that one particular person, i feel appreciated...) maybe it's true that only nice people will have intention to go there...

 - the owners of the shops simply left their goods unguarded when it's time to pray... i witnessed that in Medina...

what i hate: 
-it's not safe for women to walk alone... tak berani wandering alone, so i wont go anywhere outside the Masjidil Haram boundary or my hotel boundary if i'm alone... let's say i was in Malaysia or Singapore, i will probably 'tawaf' nearest shopping complex without hesitation.. if it wasnt for withdrawing money, i wont go to Abraj al Bait (the grand Clock Tower)

- the syndicate to 'kucup Hajarul Aswad' were annoying! let's say, during umrah, somebody approached you & you turn to see them to answer, that round (pusingan)isnt valid (berpusing sehingga tidak mengkirikan kaabah)...

- Masjid Hudaibiah is dirty... if the Saudi Arabia government can allocate money to build a lavish city like Jeddah, why dont they allocate some to renovate Masjid Hudaibiah? it's one of the miqat too!

an auntie & hajarul aswad

i often read 'kisah-kisah' pelik yang terjadi kepada mereka yg berada di tanah suci... but i havent face it myself... the only miracle that i think happened to me : i was healthy..except minor nose bleed on day 2 & day 3, i'm free from any common illness ie cough/flu etc. i mean, i'm amazed how i climb Jabal Nur & how i survived my  journey without any health complications despite the dust & extremely hot temperature (once, i noticed the Temperature =45 degree celcius after Zohor prayers).
the lowest temperature at night
because if i was at Malaysia, even 'tiny' amount of dust or any other allergen  will affect me (again, you'll never understood the situation until  you face it yourself, perhaps, one fine day?)... but i'm not going to ramble about   the miracle...

my focus today is, i once met an auntie who came through THTS ( this umrah cost her RM9000 - Tabung Haji  kan pilih hotel dekat) at one of my favourite spot ( the only  place yg boleh nampak kaabah directly dari tempat solat muslimat)...

i saw Kaabah directly from here, but it's hidden in this picture
she started our conversation by telling me that the spot with green light are the spot 'yang mustajab doanya' (i dont clarify it with my mutawwif, so i dont really know...thus, i cant confirm this)...

the green light area
& told me, those yang datang dengan tabung haji, ustaz memang buat post mortem lepas umrah... mane la tau kot2 ada yg tak kena masa tawaf & umrah tak sah.. klu sempat tau & bayar dam takpe, tapi klu dah balik? dam kna bayar kat tanah haram itu sendiri... & paling kritikal, jika masih dalam ihram tapi dah buat macam-macam larangan dalam ihram tanpa diketahui  masih dalam ihram ( contohnye, tawaf tak cukup 7 pusingan yang sempurna / ape2 je lah)...

& then, she told me her experience few days before - dia berniat nak kucup hajarul aswad, jadi dia buat tawaf first, dah give up sebab memang macam dah takde harapan... until her second round, dah dekat tapi still not within her reach...  a 'gentleman' said to her "dah sampai sini, kucuplah makcik.. rugi kalau tak kucup.. takpe, biar saya tolong"... so, she happily accept the help, memang that 'gentleman' betul2 tolong sampai dia siap kucup  hajarul aswad & siap sujud syukur.... habis je sujud syukur, that 'gentleman' said " saya dah tolong makcik, takkan takde hadiah untuk saya kot ?"... & the reality struck her like a lightning (err, bunga-bunga bahasa @>-----) : that 'gentleman'  is actually  the indonesian syndicate yang ambik kesempatan  umpan golongan-golongan naif untuk kucup hajarul aswad &mintak upah yang tinggi...  patutlah dia dapat kucup hajarul aswad dengan selamat, rupanya ada lagi 3 indonesian yang tolong hadang & cover her masa tengah kucup...she told me, dia tau ade sindiket tapi melibatkan wanita Indonesia ...memang dia berhati-hati, tapi the way this guy approach her, memang penuh berhemah  & nampak tulus ikhlas... tapi ketulusan bersyarat dengan upah & sanggup ikut ke hotel untuk dapat upah.... how did she escape?
"Makcik takde ape-ape klu anak ikut sampai hotel pun.. makcik dah tua & makcik sakit.. Hanya Allah yang boleh tolong anak.."
coincidentally, she was trembling at that moment.. so, she can escape.. she told me, it's not that she doesnt want to give something,  but opening her bag in front of million people is risky... & allowing that man to follow her to the hotel double the risk.. although she's grateful, better to escape since she didnt ask for help.. that guy offer his help at first place!

moral of the story:
1)sindiket tolong kucup hajarul aswad/ batu dari syurga bukan hanya dengan ajak secara terang-terangan.. cara halus pun ade...
2)hipokrit, memang nampak tulus ikhlas suci murni pada awalnya / nampak baik di mata yang lain  tetapi hanya yang menjadi mangsa mengerti...

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Masjidilharam & R.I.N.D.U

i went to Masjid Muhammadi  - Nisfu Syaaban / yaasin recital ( oh,3 kali bacaan yaasin utk panjangkan umur dalam iman, murahkan rezeki & mati dalam iman - i wrote down because i tend to forget this yearly ritual...

 & i got a spot behind 'rak al quran'...  tiba-tiba je R.I.N.D.U.   M.A.S.J.I.D.I.L.H.A.R.A.M...
 approaching one month since the beginning of my voyage, how time flies!
 the architecture,  air zam zam, design rak quran & quran kat sana itself, certainly jauh sangat beza dengan Masjid Muhammadi ( i know it wasnt fair to compare an old mosque with the most happening mosque in the world, tapi bila rindu bertandang,  susah la pulak  nak elakkan comparison)...

menambahkan derita bila  pergi makan char kuey teow stadium, the car  sebelah my car guna hiasan sebijik macam yang i jumpa  dekat kedai depan hotel... menyesal la pulak dont shop much @Mecca... souvenir boleh tahan lawa la jugak..

all in all, i already miss Masjidilharam!   bila agaknye boleh realisasikan mimpi Istanbul+ umrah & umrah masa bulan Ramadan? kalaulah duit boleh turun dari langit & 'jemputan' menjadi  tetamu Allah menjelma lagi....

Friday, 21 June 2013

Masjidilharam : Kaaba

note :
1) buat kesekian kalinya, kamera tak canggih sebab tak expect boleh bawak masuk kamera.. maybe sebab dalam pembesaran masjid, kaum hawa juga bebas bawak masuk kamera

2)gambar diambil ketika ade mood nak ambil gambar.. tapi  certainly bukan masa buat umrah.. time free je ambik gambar.. dekat 10 hari jugak rasanya kat Mekah

multazam : antara rukun hajar aswad & pintu kaabah
makam ibrahim

lampu hijau - nak cam tempat start tawaf
lampu hijau & penjuru hajar aswad

umrah : why?? why??

i'm not going to write nas-nas/dalil-dalil yang menyatakan hukum menunaikan umrah , i just want to express my opinion... kenapa muda-muda lagi perlu pegi Mekah?

1) untuk berdoa contohnya dapat jodoh?
Come on, kebahagiaan hakiki bukan terletak pada perkahwinan semata-mata... in fact, you gamble bila kahwin... tak dapat pastikan 100%   you akan bahagia...  jika bahagia,  you are lucky... tapi siapa boleh ramal apa akan berlaku esok lusa?  (*kahwin memang sunnah nabi.. i dont deny that.. bukan against marriage, tapi bila seru belum menyeru, buat apa nak memaksa.. hidup adalah pilihan, script your life  ikut desire sendiri..)

& untuk berdoa, tak semestinya perlu spend  dekat-dekat RM10 K(including bayar package+duit belanja+beli barang2 yg perlu sebelum pergi especially musim  cuti sekolah/ bulan Ramadan)...
if there's lesson that i valued much, it's my experience while waiting for my turn to enter Raudah @Masjid Nabawi..

you know, nak masuk Raudah tu, for me, agak susah jugak.. time tertentu je perempuan boleh masuk... lepas tu, kena menunggu dekat 3 tempat jugak la sebelum sampai... lame pulak tu...  & masa last sebelum boleh masuk Raudah, i waited at one area, together with jemaah Malaysia&Indonesia yg lain.. kebetulan ade staff indonesia yg bertugas bawak jemaah, she told us :

 "tiba di Raudah tunaikan solat sunat mutlak (penyerahan diri kepada Allah- dah merangkumi sunat taubat + ______(i cant remember).. jika tiada wuduk,boleh berdoa.. mungkin Allah nak uji kesabaran kita... kita tak tahu bila doa kita akan  diterima... di mana-mana pun, [berdoalah dengan bersungguh-sungguh & penuh tawaduk] (err, tak ingat exactly tapi ayat lebih kurang la)... tidak semestinya yang solat itu, solatnya diterima Allah.. paling penting, hati".... at that moment, terdetik : betul jugak yang dia kata... bulan Ramadan nanti pun byk jgk  'offer' yang menanti...& di mana-mana pun, ade waktu mustajab doa... bukan hanya di depan Kaabah/ Raudah...

tunggu turn.. gambar curi-curi sebab perempuan xleh bawak kamera.. & di bawah kubah hijau yang nampak sipi-sipi itulah terletak makam nabi.. Raudah pun area tu jugak..

karpet hijau = Raudah, karpet merah = bukan... pic curi-curi lepas puas berada kat Raudah, sambil tunggu geng 1 group yang lain selesai..

2) time muda, energy banyak lagi..

umrah  agak mencabar jika kudrat tak  sekuat mana...

# tawaf,  bukan hanya dengan jemaah Malaysia je...  ade banyak bangsa lain dari segenap ceruk dunia..   habit sesetengah jemaah adalah  tawaf secara berkumpulan ( Turki, India/sesetengah negara Arab yg lain).. & lumrahnya, jika  kita berada dalam laluan diorang/sebabkan diorang terpisah,  sukati diorang je nak  rempuh/tolak kita.. body besar vs body kecik, agak- agak sape yang menang?  klu bijak  menyelit, tapi dalam masa yang sama masih mengkirikan kaabah, xpe.. klu x? boleh lunyai kat situ jugak dibuatnye...

my temporary roomate pernah cerita,  ade orang Arab letak lengan atas bahu dia, nak rehatkan lengan  sambil baca doa dalam buku doa.. lenguh jugak bahu dia & xtau nak buat ape sebab payah nak escape& dalam masa yg sama jaga agar pusingan tawaf tak batal (bahu tak lari dari mengkirikan kaabah)...
lepas tu, klu yg ambik upah tolak wheelchair untuk tawaf,  diorang kejar trip.. dahla tolak laju, x peduli dah ape kat depan diorang... sukati je langgar kaki org lain... kuat & hujung wheelchair tu tajam.. klu tak luka, sakit jugak klu kna rempuh dgn wheelchair tuh ...
 7 pusingan tawaf & 7 pusingan saie, penat la jugak bagi orang muda yang jarang exercise..  dah tua, penat tu lebih lagi kot...

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

umrah : the journey begin


 time zone

hobi duduk tepi tingkap.. nasib baik that kind & handsome engineer allow me duduk dekat seat dia..  mine supposed dekat tepi laluan tapi sebab naik awal, pilih seat dekat tingkap..  apa pun, nice to meet him! balik pun seat sama, tapi compare barang yang kitorang shopping , malu la pulak rasanye.. guess what? dia bawak balik Quran (ambik berkat katanya) & x shop much.. wife dia pun same, x tergila-gilakan jubah dekat Madinah!

landing dekat terminal haji.. khabarnya baru je bukak untuk umrah.. imigresen smooth, xde karenah birokrasi.. my relative pernah pesan, dekat imigresen kna banyak2 sabar.. ade je petugas buat hal ie orang tengah beratur panjang-panjang, tiba- tiba staff tu tutup kaunter..  alhamdulillah - tidak diuji dengan ujian kesabaran