

Friday, 15 November 2013

oh, just a random musing!

There's one thing that the whole universe know: thing was always greener on the other side... Yes, i mean it... we often compare our life with the lucky one, till we forgot that we actually have our own precious pearls... It was easy to fall in the trap of greed - keep wanting more & more abundance in life... There's nothing wrong with that, except when greed exceeding qanaah(rasa cukup), a blissful life only exist in our dream, not in reality! Wish, or sometimes lust, are infinite! Often, we tend to downgrade the value of health, knowledge, family, true friends (& the list goes on), till we only care the value of being extremely rich & anything yang boleh membuatkan mata terjojol keluar dek kekaguman (maybe envy millionaire yg boleh bagi Mini Cooper sebagai hadiah 5A UPSR/ jealous kat sape-sape yang boleh pusing the globe, ronda setiap pelusuk dan ceruk negeri/negara & so on).... The beauty of life, i think, lies in the 'iman'/faith that our rizq/rezeki datangnya dari tuhan, bukan di tangan manusia... irregardless of the status, hanya tuhan yang berkuasa menentukan rezeki hambaNya... If it's good, syukurlah... If not, sabar sajalah... ujian tidaklah kekal selama-lamanya... Bersama kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan, hanya a matter of time bila hikmah di sebalik segala ujian itu tersingkap...

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