

Monday, 27 February 2012

saingku gila bola & collection of Kelantan FA Merchandises

kafa merchandise at KTC

Accompany my friend, a fanatic TRW fan to KAFA merchandise booth @ SSMIV..  the merchandises seemed exclusive when displayed at the store, but the prices are "exclusive" too.. It's better to get everything at the booth @ stadium since the salesmen will waive payment for certain items if you buy in bulk & they'll give great discount too! Compared to those exclusive store, when sometimes the salesperson were too "kerek", it's more convenient to buy at the booth.. Maybe the booth lack creativity in displaying the items, what's more with limited facilities, but believe me, since they got lots of customers, they dont mind to entertain you & give discount for certain items (unless you bought one item or two!).. What i mean was, they dont care if you touch the merchandises or even taking photos before making decision whether it's worth the money or not..& I think, that's a good strategy to lure a fanatic fan to spend lots at the booth..  & if you are worrying about the quality, fret not.. To set up booth in front of stadium, they have to register their company as official distributor of KAFA merchandises!  So, they wont sell pirate merchandises & the quality can be trusted!
 Amongst the merchandises available are jerseys (Umbro, Warriors/AFC - either home/away), bag (laptop/travel bag/bag for daily usage), tote bag, pouch, various design of hats, towel, artificial long hair & punk hair designed in red & white, flag and many more.

my friend's colllection
her latest collection

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