

Saturday, 19 October 2013

a fragment of life...

Too busy 'tumbangkan seekor lembu' during aidiladha till i forgot to highlight my hobby! It aint a secret that i love to travel... Although in simple layman term, the purpose of travel is to enjoy & taste the experience to its utmost,travelling, for me was more than that.. I dont deny that my aim varies, from a plain escapism trip (just to escape when i nearly suffocated & drowned in a toxic atmosphere - [once upon a time]) to just untuk enjoy life, herein lies another secret( bukanla rahsia sangat pun )... Call me ridiculous, but often, travel had been a way to whirl & turn me upside down with the abundance of 'nikmat yang tuhan kurniakan')... Translated, it gave me different perspective for things that i had taken for granted... Or to simplify it further, mengambil 'ibrah'(pengajaran) - tentang how smooth my life was.. at least balik je i realize my life tak la teruk sangat pun... Banyak lagi rezeki yang patut disyukuri... & usually, memang termaktub setiap orang mempunyai rezeki masing-masing - mane yg bertuah should be grateful... if not, tak bermakna somebody yang you rasa tak bertuah tu boleh dipandang hina... tentang rezeki- sesungguhnya cabang rezeki itu teramat luas... & err, maybe you think it's a laughing matter, but dont you think travel sebenarnya cara menghayati keindahan alam ciptaan ilahi & mengkaji/berfikir kebesaran ilahi? True, i may not qualified to quote hadis-hadis/ayat-ayat quran berkaitan, but dont you think, by looking at a different scenario/view, there was always something yang menunjukkan kebesaran ilahi? & lastly, visiting friend/relative - bukankah digalakkan menjalinkan silaturrahim? Ukhwah fillah, tak semestinya persahabatan kerana Allah itu terhenti jika berjauhan... What's more to someone like me yg suka reciprocating tender love & care pada sape yang treat me dengan baik & kind of malas layan jika dilayan buruk (just a general statemnt - i'm a human after all, i am not perfect & havent reach the phase untuk berbuat baik pada somebody yg treat me like a trash/ the hypocrite person yg buat baik depan orang je, tapi buat jahat dam diam)... What i want to say here is, nothing wrong with travelling here & there, as long as it's within our budget & means... Some prefer to save money, i respect that... But for me, what's the point of having enormous amount of money if hati selalu tak tenang? Recharge 'iman' by travelling, tak salah, kan?

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