Friday, 29 November 2013
Choice, chance & change!
Making a choice to take a chance or life will never change - that's the right word! & a chance takkan datang banyak kali - sekali terhidang, grab it!
Friday, 22 November 2013
erti bahagia
Again, since i have hope, i can think more rationally... I can move forward without travelled backward... Life- memang kna travel forward & 'jangan pandang belakang' =)
Erti bahagia for me:
Number 1 : mencintai Allah... Ketenangan dan kebahagiaan hakiki bukan hanya ketika dikasihi manusia ... Dicintai itu memang suatu rezeki dan anugerah ilahi tetapi jika tiada, tidak semestinya jalan untuk bahagia tertutup...
Number 2: it comes from within... Bukan pada faktor luaran.. Syukuri what i have, reciprocating the love that i receive... Membahagiakan mereka yang bernilai juga menjadi salah satu sumber bahagia... True, erti hidup pada memberi(tambah: pada yang really worth it)
number 3: keep calm & stay positive biar ape pun yang terjadi... Quite hard tapi tidak mustahil...i'm trying & still mencuba to equip myself with related knowledge... Hoping that all is well... & if the result is positive, hoping for a brand new me at new place... If i failed, hidup saje macam biasa... Nothing to lose! Especially after i realized i have more reasons to be grateful than feeling down...
Thursday, 21 November 2013
friday ramble
Living in uncertainties, i ponder over my life(past few years)... never thought that i actually had lots to be grateful... Even the smallest & simple thing that i always take for granted -yang memang biasa pun dirasakan besar nilainya...Sayang, tapi perancangan Allah itu lebih indah... If i failed, at least the number one lesson that i learn is gratitude... If i succeed, then it's time to move on... Perhaps something greater & brighter awaiting me... New adventure, new challenge & i'm back to square one, start from zero... It may seems boring, but who says it has nothing to offer? My favourite word will be " Boleh jadi kamu benci sesuatu padahal ia baik bagimu... & boleh jadi kamu suka sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagimu"... Maybe yang kelihatan indah itu buruk for me - after all, rahsia yang ghaib & tersembunyi itu di tangan Allah.. Perhaps, moving on itu menyelamatkan dari musibah yang tidak kelihatan? all in all, the result: less than a month or maybe shorter than that & i should prepare mentally & physically for any outcome... Since it's just a short period of time & i think, the rumour spread very fast , tak kisahla if everybody know... My own statement lagi reliable...
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
of heart, again!
Just come across an article - mudah untuk Allah membolak balikkan hati... Sebab walaupun hati tu dalam jasad kita, hati tetap milik Allah... Jika sesuatu tu memang dah ditakdirkan, takde yang boleh menghalang.. the same happened to me... Never thought buat decision tiba-tiba & semuanya macam dipermudahkan... Memang tak terfikir langsung untuk ubah lifestyle... Not even once... I'm amazed jugak why it's so sudden... Sungguh, tak terjangkau dek akal untuk buat beginii.. Tinggal yes or no... Tawakal saje, i leave it to Allah & i'm sure He will give me the best.. Pasrah... agaknye marriage pun camtu - sudden sampai tuan punye xsempat fikir panjang... i remember very well my ex-housemate said, her decision memang solely based on istikharah... Macam baru semalam borak tentang our status, pastu tiba-tiba dia hantar kad...
Monday, 18 November 2013
Damainya ku rasa # melihat warnanya # tenangnya di mindaku # suasana kehijauan yang indah#
harapan kadangkala mencampakkan kedamaian yang tidak terhingga... & membuatkan kita lebih menghargai... Biarpun ianya sekadar harapan, terasa bagaikan seluruh jiwa dihanyutkan dalam fatamorgana yang tak bertepi... Terasa segalanya kini lebih indah... Namun, antara takdir dan Kun Fayakun, qada dan qadar itu lebih mendominasi... Bukan mudah untuk pasrah dan reda, namun satu perkara yang pasti : perancangan tuhan itu lebih indah... Walau apa pun yang terjadi, hanya Dia yang lebih tahu hikmah di sebaliknya...
Friday, 15 November 2013
oh, just a random musing!
There's one thing that the whole universe know: thing was always greener on the other side... Yes, i mean it... we often compare our life with the lucky one, till we forgot that we actually have our own precious pearls... It was easy to fall in the trap of greed - keep wanting more & more abundance in life... There's nothing wrong with that, except when greed exceeding qanaah(rasa cukup), a blissful life only exist in our dream, not in reality! Wish, or sometimes lust, are infinite! Often, we tend to downgrade the value of health, knowledge, family, true friends (& the list goes on), till we only care the value of being extremely rich & anything yang boleh membuatkan mata terjojol keluar dek kekaguman (maybe envy millionaire yg boleh bagi Mini Cooper sebagai hadiah 5A UPSR/ jealous kat sape-sape yang boleh pusing the globe, ronda setiap pelusuk dan ceruk negeri/negara & so on).... The beauty of life, i think, lies in the 'iman'/faith that our rizq/rezeki datangnya dari tuhan, bukan di tangan manusia... irregardless of the status, hanya tuhan yang berkuasa menentukan rezeki hambaNya... If it's good, syukurlah... If not, sabar sajalah... ujian tidaklah kekal selama-lamanya... Bersama kesulitan pasti ada kemudahan, hanya a matter of time bila hikmah di sebalik segala ujian itu tersingkap...
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Friday & al-Kahfi : inseparable...
When you prefer a 'santai' way to 'tadabbur/menghayati maksud' al Kahfi, the online translation helps!
(again, cant figure out why xleh link when i use phone... or maybe, a phone illiterate like me memang hopeless when it comes to link)
Saturday, 9 November 2013
another bonding moment
Being me, i love to spend times with beloved one rather than 'terkurung keseorangan dalam dunia sendiri'... So, when A tengah enjoy her vacation in KL, i had another bonding moment with W... Just like our previous bonding session, few hangout places menjadi mangsa.... we met before my umrah trip & now, she's happily married with a tiny little creature to boot! & only now i got to give her wedding present(out of date sungguh!)... Out of blue, i suggest another new place with conducive environment & to my surprise, dia pulak belanja!! Double joy - dah lame nak rasa food kat sini sebab boleh tahan glamour & alih2, makan free! Oh, it wasnt makan free that matters, it's the bonding session that matters! Sekejap saje masa berlalu & banyak yang telah berubah - she's enjoying her transition phase & i'm happy for her....... her love story pun lebih kurang script that great doctor in my family - cinta lepas kawen & still madly in love sampai sekarang except, she's still in her honeymoon period but my role model- memang sangat bahagia walaupun dah bertahun kawen.... Guess my close friends ramai yg style camni... & talking about her pregnancy, i remember my friend who named her baby sebijik macam Imam Masjidil Haram, Sheikh Maher al Muaiqly... betapa behavenye her baby when both of us visited him few years ago- agaknye berkat bacaan quran her mother time pregnant... O yeah, if my friends tengah happy, what about me? Let's just say, rezeki setiap orang itu berbeza... Mine was in form of enjoy x ingat dunia/travelling here & there (xla banyak, tapi boleh pegi Mekah dengan duit sendiri tu consider ok for me).... takdir yang tertulis itu memang dah baik untuk setiap hambaNya, so, why worry? Leave it to Allah & He will create the best story ever!
Friday, 8 November 2013
I thought the 'episod bahagia' was over... Starved myself to death today (ok, over! bread was my energy booster this morning)... & no special plan/mission in the evening- just a date with my close friend(dating yang tak haram- i still believe in this article - (try to link it but failed)... )... Unexpectedly, we encounter my dream dining place! I'm bored dining within the stadium & kota bharu territory, i want a place with calm environment, a bit exclusive than the typical restaurant but certainly not hotel or any place that i went before... We gamble - just enter that place without considering the price or anything else... Lucky, it's still in affordable range & doesnt cost a bomb! Betul-betul bahagia impian menjadi nyata( the islamic version should be MasyaAllah, tabarakallah)... Guess my rizq was in form of this - i may not having thousand of friends, nor do the soulmate nor do i own a castle or being the millionire's daughter/ wife (hehe) but the friends that i have - they are true friends & it range from the mosque gang to enjoy-tak-ingat-dunia-gang or both (enjoy enjoy jugak tapi still, hati diorang baik!)... To conclude, it's really a blast! Tq very much, mate! XOXO!
Thursday, 7 November 2013
down memory lane
Initially i was frustrated - all the 'penyambung hayat' x available... To the point of really down(memang frust giler)..... Even thinking of driving at 6 something tomorrow morning semata-mata memenuhi 'nak -tak-nak-kna-buat-jugak'.... sehinggalah a phone call save my day! What a relief! Means i can ditch the forever alone title & get some 'fresh air'... & unexpectedly reminisce betapa-lamenya-rela-bertilamkan-lantai-sebab-takde-yang-berkenan-di-hati (hyperbola- toto ade!)... & kenang balik memang grateful study at my ex Mara Junior Science College... instill islamic values pada students - ingat lagi how senior (guy) pandang slack those yang xpakai stokin/sarung kaki time pegi dewan makan&prep... & fesyen tudung yang stereotype(of course xde selempang/pin kiri kanan, fesyen straight je... ) & how senior aim sape yang couple... & how 'Minggu aktiviti' dipenuhi dengan lagu-lagu nasyid sampai hafal lirik lukisan alam sehingga hari ini...& how i learn praktikal haji start dari niat sampai la melontar dll..)... Combining the experience from SMKA & MJSC shape me the way i am today... Guess school mempengaruhi lifestyle jugak - I learn Maathurat when i was in Form 1 & i learn value when i was in Form 4...
Saturday, 2 November 2013
screaming virtually
Blog - ways to express your thought & for some people, ways to be the next Shakespeare (oh oh, certainly not me - the one that wrote out of boring or anger(emotional outburst=) or whatever that come across my mind)
perhaps, i'm screaming virtually just to announce that everybody do have their own life... their own circle of friends... The people that they were really grateful to share certain chapters together / the meaningful one... Or maybe to share some ordinary knowledge despite the person herself isnt perfect... Sharing is caring, right?
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