

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

umrah : the preparation

since i did last minute preparation, let's see what differ between going umrah & travelling for holiday...
May vary from person to person, & may vary mengikut cuaca... every journey is unique, but i hope this humble post may help the first timer & also, ibadah tak pernah out of date - let's say, rezeki murah dan berpeluang menjejakkan kaki ke al-Haramain lagi, this post is useful for me...

bukan riak, tapi tak salah share something good... & talking about riak, i dont get an expensive package like Aznil Nawawi (mutawif kata RM 100,000 klu x range ratus ribu lah) & bukannye pergi tiap2 tahun pun... ) jadi, xde sebab nak riak... after all, rezeki itu kurniaan tuhan... berpeluang ke sana & menunaikan ibadat tanpa major illness pun dah kira ok...

Here goes the list (nisa' only - guys?i dont know !):

Untuk apply visa 
- passport 
- buku vaccine meningococcal... a specialist told me vaccine tu valid for 2 years...
@ kb, although HRPZII buy Meningococcal vaccine(ACYW), no orange immunization book available either @ A&E/Surgical department...
 vice versa for Klinik Kesihatan Kota Bharu - no vaccine, yes for book..
- birth certificate to verify mahram status(sahkan di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara yang terdekat) or salinan surat nikah yg disahkan di pejabat kadi - peraturan baru wujud awal tahun ni...

 the real preparation: 
1) knowledge - i cant simply go without any 'ilmu di dada'... Surely, at very least, i need to master rukun-rukun umrah /wajib-wajib umrah / the do's & don't during umrah... & last time i heard something about umrah was few years ago.. So, i have to polish back what i already know & learn more... talking about ilmu, i met an Arab teenager tengah saie, bukan bawak buku doa tapi main game angry bird dekat smartphone! itu kita panggil kurang penghayatan - tak la kecik sangat tapi saie dengan Angry Bird? bukankah lebih baik isi dengan paling2 kurang pun :zikir? or maybe, that teenager nak masuk masjid tapi ikut jalan Bukit Safa & Marwah...

2) the attire :
syariah-compliance clothes needed... & that, include socks (thick one to pray/tawaf/saie etc) & 'sarung lengan'...

& sunat pakai pakaian putih semasa ihram, so either jubah putih or jubah seluar will do (optional)..

while travelling, i hate to wear kain sembahyang before 'niat dekat miqat'..
Reason? Who knows if i need to go to the toilet during that long haul journey? - i'm not confident wearing the same kain sembahyang to pray & menunaikan umrah .. Lucky i join the gang of teachers & ustazah, so one of them lend me her syariah compliance tudung... So, we wore tudung, not kain sembahyang-...

Flat sandal / shoe / *sport shoe - *if you intend to conquer Jabal Nur/Gua Hira' or any other 'bukit'...
& high heel is absolutely a no-no if your hotel is far - bukan ape, lenguh berjalan dengan tumit sepuluh inci klu compare dgn flat... & since my shoe/slippers always tak cukup tinggi, it wasnt a big problem for me untuk pakai flat...

Exercise  -  alasan sama, klu berminat menghayati perjuangan Rasulullah & mendaki Jabal Nur, Uhud dll, better exercise...

3) cash :
  the easiest way is to change Malaysian currency to Saudi Riyal at nearest money changer...
However, call it fate, the money changer in KB run out of Saudi Arabia Riyal, both at airport & near Pantai Timur & i dont have time to go to the nearest bank..
plus, i dont like to bring cash banyak2 kat tangan...
meanwhile, the rate at KLIA x berapa memuaskan hati,
So, i bring small amount of RM tanpa sesen pun duit Riyal plus al-Rajhi ATM card(bukak akaun solely for the purpose of going umrah)...
For the first few days, i'm a penniless woman, until i found the money changer... boleh je tukar kat menara Abraj al Bait tu, tapi rate pun tak memuaskan hati jugak...
Rate kat tempat lain? Depend on your luck : some offer higher exchange rate, some not... thinking back,higher amount of RM is needed in case of emergency..

talking about ATM - in Mecca, i got my 'emergency fund' @ the tower (Burj al Bait) : at the centre of Level 0, straight away from Bab(pintu) King Abdul Aziz...
in Medina, the ATM @Movenpick hotel refuse to give me money=) (kehabisan duit rasanya sebab location strategik)  - translated - x bagi shopping kurma/kacang2 sebab pasar kurma destinasi last sebelum balik... & bawak banyak2 kurma/kacang alone agak berat... klu beli banyak2 kilo sape nak tolong angkut?

& a 'pakcik' yang slalu travel told me, dia guna CIMB & Maybank je, tapi buat international la.. bagitau travel date, so kat mane2 ATM yg ade tulisan Visa dll, dia boleh keluarkan duit kat negara yang dia pergi dalam masa travel period tu...

4) medicines! 
-A doctor that travel with elderly (parent yang agak tua) may bring first aid kit..
-A pharmacist supposed to bring medicine - so yes, i bring along
  • PCM in case of fever/headache, 
  • OMS - few abused it when needed/prn bila sakit-sakit, minyak cap kapak, cough medications, 
  •  oral rehydration salt & hyoscine in case of diarrhea
  • cold/flu meds ... 
  • Not forgotten, my 'makanan ruji', in case my condition worsened tiba-tiba..      Not that we cant buy medicines @Arab Saudi, tapi fikir sendiri lah price..oh, there's ustaz & ustazah in my group who always speak Arabic, so, buying medicines werent a big deal... it's just, i cant understand the Arabic pamphlets! Khamsata 'asyarah, na'am, la', boleh la faham tapi tulisan dekat ATM/tv/pamphlet : terlopong kat situ la! i need a translator =) 
Overall, the common /popular illness were fever, cold/flu & cough, nose bleed..& dry skin!
  • Vaseline/nivea cream is highly recommended... but Vaseline is bulky for me, so i bought lip balm at Nahdi Pharmacy (glamer cam Guardian kot sebab pegi ziarah mane2 confirm jumpa Nahdi Pharmacy) & i love it very much... malangnya, balik Malaysia, terus xde :jatuh masa kat airport KLIA kot... the soft rose lip balm with SPF i-cant-remember-but-i-know-contained-something-for-uv-protection : imported from Burj al- Bait was my favourite if not in ihram... tapi, kat tepi menggelupas jugak... 
my tips: make sure you apply it evenly... & thanks God, my heel dont crack! guess wearing a thick Body Glove sock(i grab it at supermarket sebab tu je yg ade depan mata) & that cheap 2 riyal 'kasut tawaf' do the trick...
5) scissors for tahallul! 
I opt for that cheap gunting lipat... Kecik dan senang diselitkan kat mane-mane

 sebab byk kawasan dirobohkan plus musim panas - habuk dan debu tak dapat dielakkan...translated, mask penting (at least for me!)...
My nose did bleed on day 2 &3, but i guess, kerap ambil wuduk dgn air zam zam yg sejuk tu helps, a lot! minor bleed & ok on the subsequent days...

6) although i brought an old generation Nokia phone, charging phone still 'memeningkan kepala'.. tak jumpa langsung plug yang compatible untuk 3 palam charger, jumpa yg 2 je.. so, terpulang samada nak beli kat sana @ bawak dari Malaysia

7) i divide my luggage into hand luggage & cargo luggage ...
Hand luggage: necessary clothes for 1 day & kelengkapan solat...
Cargo Luggage : i failed in tackling spaces... pandai menyusun atur supaya mudah dicapai adalah satu kelebihan.... Oh, it's better to write your name & address & phone number dekat bag itself... My roomate lost her bag, tp last2 beg tu dihantar ke KLIA balik masa dia kat Mekah...

& most travel agency will give you the same pattern of bag - no, i should describe it as the exact colour, pattern, shape & so on.. so, some choose ribbon to recognize their own bag, some use key chain, some just use name /add/phone number combo as identification...

8) musim panas :  spec hitam untuk bergaya.. ops, musim panas, silau sangat.. membantu penglihatan masa cahaya matahari tegak di atas kepala

9) female : spray bottle untuk wuduk (optional)
i prefer ambik wuduk macam biasa (for me, wuduk mengelakkan nose bleed, remember?),tapi at certain places ie masjid nabawi, lagi senang klu ade spray bottle rasanya..

#this draft dah lame ditulis, finish writing this essay hari ni =)

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