

Thursday, 28 March 2013

friday, i'm in love =P i'm not sure if   mobile adress  & computer address differ - i'm an IT-illiterate! however, in conjunction with friday, 'sayyidul ayyam', it ain't wrong to share one of Hlovate's masterpiece - tadabbur(menghayati) surah  al Kahfi...

Thursday, 21 March 2013

stadium & ustaz azhar idrus

i only  enter Stadium Sultan Muhammad ke-IV 3 times, once for 'Konsert Jom Heboh', out of curiosity, more to discover what a stadium actually is (my ex room @ kuarters A5-2 facing stadium - one side of the stadium clearly visible from the room! always see the red phenomenon where most people clad in their red jerseys whenever there's football game)..

2nd, for AFC Cup The Red Warriors vs Arema Malang  di mana Arema betul-betul malang... That, more to 'pengaruh kawan'..

3rd, my own will, unplanned..  i happen to be nearby & my mahram was there, so, why not we go to this another form of Raudah/'taman syurga'? i'm not an ustazah but i do know that 'majlis-majlis ilmu juga termasuk kategori Raudah/taman-taman syurga'.. because to go to the real Raudah @ Masjid Nabawi, it was by 'invitation from God' basis.. even if we had intention to go there, if god say no - there's possibility of  stranded at an airport & access to the sacred place denied.. or maybe, visa not granted or obstacles ie health, mahram & many more resurface at an unexpected times!

Back to the forum, it amazed me how a 'majlis ilmu' can attract more than 130,000 participants, more than 'penonton bola'.. i'm used to see The Red Warriors phenomenon, but certainly not a forum/kuliyyah phenomenon.. sehinggakan UAI joke rakyat Kelantan 'kurang siuman'..  i wont elaborate the content, you can view the forum later  @ YouTube...

my honest opinion -  stadium is a good place.. tolak tepi bunga api sempena perasmian WauFM, jika padang penuh, tempat duduk penonton sekeliling stadium tu ada, senang je nampak provided skrin besar tak terhalang.. but i prefer a bigger screen... masjid kebanyakannya tak cukup untuk menampung bilangan hadirin yang ramai & jemaah melimpah ruah ke perkarangan masjid & jalan-jalan yang berdekatan... agak tak selesa jika terpaksa menghadap skrin yang terlindung di sebalik pokok-pokok/pagar...

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

enjoy the beauty of everyday's life

after double shift, my friend yang  'selalunya-busy-cater-critically-ill-patients' is free, so we had dinner together..

 the spageti : bolehla..  tapi ice blended , superb! pricey, tapi untuk hang out once in a while, acceptable...  after all, like the tagline of the cafe: enjoy the beauty of everyday's life - bila lagi nak enjoy...  yeah, you read it right - bila lagi nak enjoy... i dont have feeling untuk hang out lepas night shift yesterday -  i become house-single (housewife is for a wife=) ,  doing household chores & for the first time, tak keluar ke mana-mana/ tak spend satu sen pun even untuk membeli makanan!    splurge on yummy dessert yang penuh 1 mangkuk   to compensate the  anti-social day...  it's a bliss to have friend with crystal clear heart  that you can share everything & boost your mood (maybe crystal clear is a bit exaggerate/over tapi they are kind by nature, indeed.. we exchange stories & we had fun together...  life doesnt only revolve around work.. at the end of the day, being around the people that could cheer you up matters - & that, is a remedy for a  'boring' life indirectly!

Friday, 1 March 2013

reigniting hope

we'll never know what's next that God have in store for us... it's true that Man can only propose, God dispose but sometimes something came up in His own time... it's so surreal... i lose hope, but now it reignite... with wonderful sparks.. i plan for something, but god give me greater plan, albeit quite different tapi the storyline lebih kurang...... still long way to go, but for the time being, i'd love  to keep the option open... i can't say that it's 100% confirm, but i'm really grateful if this one plan succeed... had to sacrifice something, but not everyday this opportunity come... love my grandfather dearly, he took trouble to find his old book, 'bertulisan Jawi', when i asked him about something that he cant remember... Remind me of the good old days when i was still young & small - i love to read his Yellow, thick book with 'tulisan Jawi' that he always keep at the same coffee table or book shelf & that's where i read  & learned sirah Nabi : kisah nabi Nuh dgn kapalnya , kisah nabi Ibrahim yg dibakar api dll...