

Sunday, 28 July 2013

rambling nonsense, again...

28 July - Ramadan is leaving too fast... Except the major hurricane causing a turbulent journey, my life was fine & dandy... hoping it's 100% over & they let me go .. At least, i can have a peaceful life... Biarpun tak best di mata orang,who cares? I'm strong enough to take the road less travelled by... Transforming a fragile heart into a solid rock takes time , but when it's my own choice, i'm sure that i wont regret later on...

Friday, 12 July 2013

Touch of faith

a reminder for me & whoever interested... touch of  faith @tv9/6.30pm Thursday&Friday- an international 'kuliyyah agama' series that's worth to watch...the speaker said (translated according to my own depth of understanding) - mencintai Allah adalah segala-galanya.. hubungan antara kita dgn manusia lain bergantung pada hubungan kita dengan Allah samada  kita sedar atau tidak...yang mencampakkan rasa kasih & sayang itu adalah Allah... sekiranya kita mencintai Allah, insyaallah everything will be fine... if there's something wrong, kembalilah pada Allah, pemilik segalanya...

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Marhaban ya Ramadan

today marked the beginning of 'ibadah' fiesta, so did the hunting for the special night - that one night  , which is better than 1000 month (or better known as 'lailatul qadar')... during the gap between maghrib & isyak,  i noticed the auntie @ my right brought along a book (tulisan Jawi) , reciting something  before showing me one of the page from the 'Fadilat Rejab, Syaaban & Ramadan' book..overall, that book encourage  us to be grateful for being able to 'embrace' Ramadan again... & also ,told us to  'bertasbih, bartahmid & bertakbir' @ berzikir, bersedekah, membaca al quran/khatam quran at least sekali dll... what i want to say is,  ibadat tak pernah out of date... sape sangka buku jawi yang agak lame tu still relevan dgn  zaman sekarang...&also, i noticed, an auntie bring along her tasbih... that gave me idea to bring along  tasbih to the mosque, use it on prn basis... bukanla berat sangat pun&at least, it remind me about the Raudah lesson/the memorable al-Haramain experience...after all, it wasnt weird to bring a tasbih o the mosque=)